Welcome to 

Jackson Elementary School

Dates to Remember

Tuesday February 4    Winter Sports for 2nd - 5th graders Friday, February 7   Mid-Year Progress Reports emailed home   
Monday, February 17  President’s Day - no school
February 18-20   Parent-Teacher conferences
February 24 - March 14  Read-a-Fun
Tuesday, February 25   Emotional World of Parenting (3rd-5th graders) 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 26  Emotional World of Parenting (K-2nd graders) 5:30-7:00 p.m.
March 24 - April 4  Spring Break 

Here’s the link to the JES Family Engagement webpage - JES Family Engagement!

Learn about upcoming events, PTO projects, and volunteer opportunities.

Show your Falcon spirit with JES branded t-shirts, hoodies, hats, neck gaitors, and more!

View resources for parents, caregivers, and families.

Jackson Elementary PTO Leadership


Juniper Troxel - Co-President
Ali Wheeler - Co-President
Shauna Lockhart - Vice President
Ben Mackay - Treasurer
Michelle Knobe - Secretary
Marisa Laugen - Community Outreach

The JES PTO does not discriminate and welcomes all parents, guardians, and faculty to join. There is no membership fee to participate in the JES PTO. Learn more about how to get involved.

Our Mission

Jackson Elementary School PTO Mission

To connect and build community by supporting students, staff and school through fundraising and community events, in an effort to enrich our children’s educational, social and developmental experiences.

To that end, the purpose of the JES PTO is to 

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